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From the beginning, people have been inquisitive about the true purpose of life, asking questions such as "Who and what am I, really?"; "What is life's ultimate meaning?"; "Is this world that I see around me, and which I take to be so real, the only reality there is?"; and "Is there something infinitely greater?" To find the answers to these and similar questions, they have turned to the process of meditation. Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years by a variety of different cultures. Meditation has a lot to offer everyone today as well.
Some of the benefits of a regular meditation practice include the following:
  • inner calm and peace of mind
  • reduction of stress and anxiety
  • greater control over your own mind and its activities
  • keener intelligence and sharper concentration
  • a deepening sense of communion with the Absolute
  • joy and happiness.
    But the only way to experience the many benefits of meditation is to begin meditating!  

    To practice meditation, you need a quiet, clean and uncluttered spot to sit. Such an environment contributes to a quiet and uncluttered mind. Sit in a comfortable, yet alert, position with your back and spine straight, but not strained. Don't slouch or recline, or else you might fall asleep-and the goal of meditation is to be very much awake!
    As you sit in your comfortable position, try to put aside all negative thoughts and anxieties that may be bothering you at the moment. Allow your thoughts to be on hold for just a little while. Tell yourself that you can always come back to them later. Listen with relaxed, yet keen and alert attentiveness to the rhythm of your own breathing. Feel and even hear the life-giving air as it enters and leaves your lungs. Concentrate all of your attention on nothing other than the sound and the feeling of your breath. With every out-going breath, allow the stress and anxiety hidden in your body to just be released. Allow fears and doubts to simply leave. With every in-coming breath, imagine the calm and peace of a love-filled universe enter your lungs, and into your very being. If your mind temporarily wanders away-and it will!-just gently and patiently bring it back to its task of focusing only on the breath.
    Try this for about 15 minutes a day (or even less at first), slowly increasing the time over the next few weeks. A good meditation session lasts for about 30 minutes per day. It is said in the yoga literature of ancient India that if one can meditate daily with sincerity and with devotion, one will achieve peace, fulfillment and self-realization.
    With daily practice, you will slowly begin to see your stress and anxiety levels begin to reduce. You will also begin to experience a deep, inner peace that will seem familiar and comforting. This is because you will be accessing the deepest well of inner peace that is natural to your true self. The only way to experience this joy of meditation is to try it. So dive deeply into the reality of your own inner peace. Meditate!

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